Analysis on the damage zone of overlying strata and safety layer distance on the upward mining above the longwall goaf 长壁开采上覆岩层损伤范围及上行开采的层间距分析
Criterion and damage zone induced by excavation blasting of underground power-house were studied by field test of blasting vibration and numerical simulation. 通过现场爆破振动测试和数值模拟方法研究地下厂房爆破损伤范围及判据;
It was researched that all kinds of jamming modes affected the damage zone for ground-to-air missile weapon system in modern complex electromagnetism environment. 研究了现代复杂的电磁环境下各种有意干扰对地空导弹武器系统杀伤区的影响,主要包括有源压制和无源压制干扰对武器系统杀伤区的影响。
The research results can direct the detection of damage zone and support optimal design. 研究成果对损伤区的检测和支护优化设计具有指导意义。
High seepage pressure lead to damage zone growth in unfavorable fault zone and even transfixion may be the important reasons which result in bank slope instability. 高渗透压诱发岸坡不利断层带损伤区扩展,甚至贯通可能是导致岸坡失稳的重要原因。
It is indicated that most of the fault cores are tight, but the fracture bands in damage zone are favorable paths of hydrocarbon migration. 柯坪露头断裂相分析表明,碳酸盐岩断层核部多致密,破碎带中的裂缝带是油气输导的优势通道。
The induced stress of initial damage zone results in the redistribution of surrounding rock stress when the micro-crack closes after hydraulic fracture. 水力压裂后,当微裂缝闭合时初始损伤带的诱导应力导致围岩应力重新分布。
Prediction of Damage Zone of Smooth Blasting in Jointed Mudstone Slope 节理发育泥岩地区边坡光爆损伤范围预测技术
For the excavation damage zone ( EDZ) in underground construction, seepage is greatly influenced by the stress in the surrounding rock and the water pressure in cracks. 在围岩开挖扰动区中,围岩应力和裂隙水压力将会显著地影响其渗流性质。
In order to realize the simulation of damage zone by the particle flow code ( PFC), the microscopic parameters are confirmed by triaxial compression test. 为了实现颗粒流程序PFC对损伤区的模拟,通过三轴压缩试验确定了PFC的细观参数。
Study on Excavation Disturbed Zone and Damage Zone in Surrounding Rock of Deeply Buried Long Tunnel by TBM Driving 深埋长隧洞TBM掘进围岩开挖扰动与损伤区研究
When the tunnel is excavated, the surrounding rock will be damaged and the damage zone will be formed around the profile where the acoustic velocity will weaken. 隧洞开挖以后围岩会出现损伤,并在洞周形成开挖损伤区,在损伤区范围内声波波速会出现衰减。
Fracture bands, developed in the damage zone with insignificant filling, are ideal migration channels. 破碎带中裂缝带发育,裂缝充填少,是良好输导通道;
After the damage zone reaches the edges, the instability of systems depends on the loading and the materials properties of interface and there are significant effects of softening stiffness coefficient and the strength of interface on instability. 当损伤区达到边界之后,系统的不稳定性决定于载荷及界面材料性质,界面软化刚度系数和界面强度对于不稳定性有明显影响。
Calculation of micro-crack damage zone for frozen soil 冻土破坏过程的微裂纹损伤区的计算分析
A Fatigue Crack Propagation Model Based on Crack Tip Damage Zone 一种基于裂尖损伤区的裂纹扩展模型
The reference heights of casing shoes are proposed with the evolution process of damage zone. 根据流变过程中围岩损伤区的演化过程,给出了套管鞋高度的参考值。
Meanwhile characteristics of the damage zone under the machined surface are analyzed. 还研究了已加工表面下破坏区的特征。
A study on pressure limit in low pressure casing damage zone 套损低压区压力界限研究
Experimental study of damage zone around crack-tip for call Hybrid Composites CALL混杂复合材料裂纹尖端损伤区实验研究
An experimental study on control of blasting damage zone 控制爆破破坏范围的试验研究
At last, the theoretical analysis and experimental observation about the craze damage zone around crack-tip and its evolvement with time, its interaction with crack were carried out in this paper. 本文最后对裂尖银纹损伤区演化现象、与裂纹的相互作用进行了理论分析和实验观测。
Experimental Study on Inspection Means of Damage Zone in Composite Laminates 复合材料层板损伤区检测方法的实验研究
Aim By doing the qualitative and quantitative experimental study, the damage zone formation mechanism and the affecting factors of core flow efficiency were to be analyzed. 目的根据对射孔损害区进行定性和定量的实验研究,分析该区形成机理及影响孔眼流动效率的因素;
Introducing the time-dependent damage variable into the constitutive equations of the crack zone, we modified the Dugdale model of crack damage zone around crack-tip. 对裂尖银纹损伤区的Dugdale模型进行了修正,将时间、位置、应变相关的损伤变量引入到银纹区的本构方程中。
The calculated results coincide with damage zone sizes estimated by means of WEK fracture model. 其结果与WEK断裂模型所估计的损伤区尺寸颇为一致。
Study on the Blast-induced Damage Zone for Rock Excavation 岩石爆破损伤影响范围研究
The damage zone, caused by drilling and well completion fluids invasion, made a more serious damage in horizontal wells than in vertical wells; 钻井液、完井液对油气层造成损害后,损害带对水平井产量的影响将比垂直井更为严重,可通过计算流动效率值的大小米评价损害程度;
Via self-similar assumptions, elastic and damage mechanics are adopted to analyze problems of dynamic spherical cavity expansion in geomaterials by combining the three-region ( damage zone, elastic zone and stress-free zone) model. 采用自相似假设,结合三区模型(损伤区、弹性区、应力自由区)对岩土材料中球形孔洞动态扩展的问题进行弹性-损伤力学分析。
By the microscopic mechanics, the damage zone and the initial damage condition are given. The cause of self-reinforcement by using the damage technology was point out. that is due to the changes of inner microstructure of the materials. 采用细观力学的方法,建立并给出了损伤区和判定初始损伤区的条件;指出用损伤技术使反应器圆筒产生自增强的原因,是由于其材料内部细观结构的变化。